Item Database

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1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...655 656 657 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Cortosis Techblade5050Main Hand (Melee), Offhand (Melee)VibroswordEquip
Cosmic Awareness Motivator50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Awareness Power Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Cardio System50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Defense Shield Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Energy Power Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Force Focus50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Mastery Enhancer50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Melee Power Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Might Package50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Personal Power Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Reaction Implant50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Reflex Enhancer50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Rejuvenation System50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Resistance Implant50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Resistance Shield Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Resolve System50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Response Implant50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Response Shield Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Cosmic Skill Package50ImplantEquip
Cosmic Strife Package50ImplantEquip
Counterstrike Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Critical Augment 225049ModificationAugment 
Custodian's Warlord Double-Bladed Lightsaber5050Main Hand (Melee)Double-Bladed LightsaberEquip
Custodian's Warlord Lightsaber5050Main Hand (Melee), Offhand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Cyclic Blaster5050Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
D-111 Charged Saboteur50Main Hand (Ranged)Assault CannonEquip
D-205 Charged Rifle50Main Hand (Ranged)Blaster RifleEquip
Decisive Armoring 225049ModificationArmoring 
Decisive Barrel 225049ModificationBarrel 
Deflecting Mod 225049ModificationMod 
Deflecting Mod 22A5049ModificationMod 
Deflecting Mod 22B5049ModificationMod 
Deft Mod 225049ModificationMod 
Deft Mod 22A5049ModificationMod 
Deft Mod 22B5049ModificationMod 
Dexterous Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Diabolist's Warlord Lightsaber5050Main Hand (Melee), Offhand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Discipline Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Doc's Blaststorm Belt50WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Doc's Blaststorm Boots50FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Doc's Blaststorm Bracers50WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Doc's Blaststorm Pants50LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Doc's Masterwork Blaster50Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
Doc's XR-70 Shotgun50ShotgunScattergunEquip
Durasteel Armor5050ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Durasteel Armor5050ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Durasteel Blitz Belt50WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Durasteel Blitz Boots50FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...655 656 657 ...892 893 894


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