Item Database

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1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...659 660 661 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Khem Val's Nova-Tech Pants50LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Khem Val's XR-70 Shield Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Kinetic Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Kira's Masterwork Doublesaber50Main Hand (Melee)Double-Bladed LightsaberEquip
Kira's Paramount Focus50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Kira's Starfury Belt50WaistLight ArmorEquip
Kira's Starfury Boots50FeetLight ArmorEquip
Kira's Starfury Bracers50WristsLight ArmorEquip
Kira's Starfury Skirt50LegsLight ArmorEquip
Lokin's Blaststorm Belt50WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Lokin's Blaststorm Boots50FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Lokin's Blaststorm Bracers50WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Lokin's Blaststorm Pants50LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Lokin's Masterwork Pistol50Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
Lokin's XR-70 Vibroknife50KnifeVibroknifeEquip
Lord Scourge's Masterwork Lightsaber50Main Hand (Melee), Offhand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Lucid Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
M-90 Galactic Scatterblaster5050ShotgunScattergunEquip
M1-4x's Masterwork Blaster Turret50Main Hand (Ranged)Blaster RifleEquip
M1-4X's XR-70 Shield Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Mako's Blaststorm Belt50WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Mako's Blaststorm Boots50FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Mako's Blaststorm Bracers50WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Mako's Blaststorm Pants50LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Mako's Masterwork Blaster50Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
Mako's XR-70 Vibroknife50KnifeVibroknifeEquip
Mettle Mod 225049ModificationMod 
Mettle Mod 22A5049ModificationMod 
Mettle Mod 22B5049ModificationMod 
Might Armoring 225049ModificationArmoring 
Might Augment 225049ModificationAugment 
Might Hilt 225049ModificationHilt 
Might Mod 225049ModificationMod 
N-412 Heavy Repeating Saboteur50Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
Nadia's Masterwork Doublesaber50Main Hand (Melee)Double-Bladed LightsaberEquip
Nadia's Paramount Focus50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Nadia's Starfury Belt50WaistLight ArmorEquip
Nadia's Starfury Boots50FeetLight ArmorEquip
Nadia's Starfury Bracers50WristsLight ArmorEquip
Nadia's Starfury Skirt50LegsLight ArmorEquip
Neurochemical Extract50Equip
Nimble Mod 225049ModificationMod 
Nimble Mod 22A5049ModificationMod 
Nimble Mod 22B5049ModificationMod 
Obliterator5050Main Hand (Ranged)Assault CannonEquip
Overkill Augment 225049ModificationAugment 
Patron Armoring 225049ModificationArmoring 
Patron Barrel 225049ModificationBarrel 
Personalized Holoportrait50Equip
Pierce's Masterwork Rifle50Main Hand (Ranged)Blaster RifleEquip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...659 660 661 ...892 893 894


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