Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...664 665 666 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Torian's Nova-Tech Boots50FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Torian's Nova-Tech Bracers50WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Torian's Nova-Tech Pants50LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Torian's XR-70 Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Transformed Lokin's Blaststorm Belt50WaistLight ArmorEquip
Transformed Lokin's Blaststorm Boots50FeetLight ArmorEquip
Transformed Lokin's Blaststorm Bracers50WristsLight ArmorEquip
Transformed Lokin's Blaststorm Lower Robe50LegsLight ArmorEquip
Transformed Lokin's XR-70 Shield Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Transmodal Shield Generator5048Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Tydirium Focus5050Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Unyielding Durasteel Armguards50WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Unyielding Durasteel Belt50WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Unyielding Durasteel Boots50FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Unyielding Durasteel Greaves50LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Unyielding Zal Alloy Boots50FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Unyielding Zal Alloy Bracers50WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Unyielding Zal Alloy Leggings50LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Unyielding Zal Alloy Waistcord50WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Upari Crystal50Equip
Vector's Blaststorm Belt50WaistLight ArmorEquip
Vector's Blaststorm Boots50FeetLight ArmorEquip
Vector's Blaststorm Bracers50WristsLight ArmorEquip
Vector's Blaststorm Pants50LegsLight ArmorEquip
Vector's Masterwork Techblade50Main Hand (Melee)ElectrostaffEquip
Vector's XR-70 Power Generator50Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Veracity Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Verity Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Vette's Blaststorm Belt50WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Vette's Blaststorm Boots50FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Vette's Blaststorm Bracers50WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Vette's Blaststorm Pants50LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Vette's Masterwork Blaster50Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
Vigilant Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Vik's Masterwork Techblade50Main Hand (Melee), Offhand (Melee)VibroswordEquip
Volition Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Ward Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Warfare Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Watchful Blade's Vibroknife5050KnifeVibroknifeEquip
Weighted Mod 225049ModificationMod 
Weighted Mod 22A5049ModificationMod 
Weighted Mod 22B5049ModificationMod 
Wily Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Wisdom Enhancement 225049ModificationEnhancement 
Wraid Plate50Equip
Wraith Elite Sniper5050Main Hand (Ranged)Sniper RifleEquip
X-310 Fusion-X Disruptor50Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
X-56 Micro-pulse Blaster Pistol50Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
Xalek's Masterwork Doublesaber50Main Hand (Melee)Double-Bladed LightsaberEquip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...664 665 666 ...892 893 894


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