Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...843 844 845 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Bloodgouge's HeadEquip
Blue Lightsaber CrystalEquip
Blue Matrix ShardEquip
Boarding CommendationEquip
Bomb DesignsEquip
Bone Marrow SampleEquip
Bound Sithspawn's SpiritEquip
Branch from the Tree of DeathEquip
Branch from the Tree of DutyEquip
Branch from the Tree of LifeEquip
Breathing MaskEquip
Bribe MoneyEquip
Broken Beskar SwordEquip
Brood TotemEquip
Brood Totem BaseEquip
Brood Totem EmitterEquip
Burba Seismic Activity ReaderEquip
Burba Seismic Excavator/ScannerEquip
Burba Seismic Excavator/ScannerEquip
Burnout's FlamethrowerEquip
C-9X Signal EmitterEquip
Cache WeaponEquip
Cage KeyEquip
Calibrated Diagnostic PadEquip
Camp Vigil Security Door CodeEquip
Canister of Purifying ChemicalsEquip
Captain Garrett's Access CodesEquip
Captain Jetok's Cargo ManifestEquip
Captain Magnus's Access CodeEquip
Captain's LogEquip
Carbonite EidolonEquip
Carbonite GunEquip
Carbonite ManEquip
Carbonite TrapEquip
Carbonite TrapEquip
Carbonite-Encased Reneget VauseEquip
Carbonized Harlan FaneEquip
Carbonized Jonah CarterEquip
Carbonized Shrona Bel-IlEquip
Carbonizing Stun GrenadeEquip
Carbonizing Stun GrenadeEquip
Cartel Security CodesEquip
Case of Marking BeaconsEquip
Castle Organa Tower Access CodesEquip
Cell KeyEquip
Central Intel Database CodesEquip
Ceremonial Marriage KnotEquip
Cerillium Droid CannonEquip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...843 844 845 ...892 893 894


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