Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
You can then share your Item builds with friends by sending them the "Permalink to your build" link.
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...845 846 847 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Commander Valhoun's HelmetEquip
Commander's KeyEquip
Commando Supply PackEquip
Communication CodesEquip
Communications BugsEquip
Communications Repair KitEquip
Compiled Research DataEquip
Complete Assassination HolorecordingEquip
Computer SpikeEquip
Computer SpikeEquip
Computer SpikeEquip
Computer Spike (Fake Data)Equip
Computer Spike (Real Data)Equip
Computer SpikesEquip
Concentrated Blasting CapEquip
Containment BoxEquip
Containment CubeEquip
Control ChipEquip
Control CodesEquip
Conversion EquipmentEquip
Copied DatapadEquip
Corellia CommendationEquip
Corellian Starship PartsEquip
Cormium Crystal ShardEquip
Corrupted HolorecordingEquip
Corrupted K'lor'slug SampleEquip
Corrupted Shyrack SampleEquip
Corrupted Tree SapEquip
Corrupted Tuk'ata SampleEquip
Corso's Arctic OutfitEquip
Corso's Armored OutfitEquip
Corso's Hunting OutfitEquip
Corso's Standard OutfitEquip
Corso's Survivalist OutfitEquip
Coruscant CommendationEquip
Crafted SolutionEquip
Cranial Bomb SchematicsEquip
Crate of AdrenalsEquip
Crate of Improvised Thermite BombsEquip
Crate of OreEquip
Crate of Spare PartsEquip
Creature ScannerEquip
Cryo CellsEquip
CryoBan RifleEquip
Crystal Mining EquipmentEquip
Cultist CollectionEquip
Cure for The RotEquip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...845 846 847 ...892 893 894


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