Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...850 851 852 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Extractor IDEquip
Eye of TulakEquip
Fa'athra EmblemEquip
Fa'athra InsigniaEquip
Factory SchematicsEquip
Factory Security KeycardEquip
Fallen Star Reward - BracersEquip
Fasteners and HousingEquip
Fatality's Classified RecordsEquip
Fez Burba's Research ResultsEquip
Field DisruptorEquip
Field Medic KitEquip
Field ScannerEquip
Filled Creature ScannerEquip
Findsman ScannerEquip
Fire ExtinguisherEquip
First Fragmented Research DatadiscEquip
First Power CoreEquip
First Stone Carving PieceEquip
First Wraith Box ComponentEquip
Flare GunEquip
Flare GunEquip
Fleet CommendationEquip
Flesh Raider ElixirEquip
Flesh Raider Gate KeyEquip
Flesh Raider WeaponsEquip
Flight RecorderEquip
Food CrateEquip
Force ShacklesEquip
Forged DatapadEquip
Fossilized StoneEquip
Foundry CommendationEquip
Fourth Power CoreEquip
Fragment of the Corvani's HullEquip
Fragmented Archaeological PlansEquip
Fragmented Map DataEquip
Fresh Jurgoran BloodEquip
Frontline Intelligence ReportEquip
G0-T0 PhotoreceptorEquip
Gaelon's SatchelEquip
Gambling ChipEquip
Gamma Data RecorderEquip
Gamma MotivatorEquip
Gamorrean Combat StimEquip
Gas GrenadeEquip
Gas MaskHeadEquip
General Durant's BlasterEquip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...850 851 852 ...892 893 894


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