Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...872 873 874 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Atmospheric Rebreather50Equip
Blank Computer Core50Equip
CorSec Badge50Equip
Cortosis Substrate50Equip
Document of Imperial Citizenship50Equip
Droid Manipulator50Equip
Dyed Trandoshan Furs50Equip
Form-Fitting Rifle Stock50Equip
Ornate Telescope50Equip
Pulse Grenade5040Equip
Thermoplast Flux50Equip
Tomuon Cloth Blanket50Equip
Black Market Mission Case48Equip
Black Market Small Credit Case48Equip
Exceptional Medpac4844Equip
Black Market Mission Box46Equip
Black Market Small Credit Box46Equip
Blastguard Boots MKII4443FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Blastguard Breastplate MKII4443ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Blastguard Gauntlets MKII4443HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Blastguard Greaves MKII4443LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Blastguard Helmet MKII4443HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Flak Boots MKII4443FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Flak Grips MKII4443HandsMedium ArmorEquip
Flak Helmet MKII4443HeadMedium ArmorEquip
Flak Jacket MKII4443ChestMedium ArmorEquip
Flak Leggear MKII4443LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Helmsman's Boots4443FeetLight ArmorEquip
Helmsman's Gloves4443HandsLight ArmorEquip
Helmsman's Hat4443HeadLight ArmorEquip
Helmsman's Legwraps4443LegsLight ArmorEquip
Helmsman's Tunic4443ChestLight ArmorEquip
Jeweled Mission Case44Equip
Jeweled Small Credit Case44Equip
Specialist's Medpac4440Equip
Jeweled Mission Box42Equip
Jeweled Small Credit Box42Equip
Chilled Corellian Cocktail4040Equip
Customized Weapon Plating40Equip
Exotic Souvenir40Equip
Expert's Medpac4036Equip
Hydian Trade Token40Equip
Imperial Execution Order40Equip
Nonperishable Ration Bars40Equip
Opera Tickets40Equip
Ornate Mission Case40Equip
Ornate Small Credit Case40Equip
Ortolan Jewelry40Equip
Peppered Bantha Steak4040Equip
Portable Laboratory40Equip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...872 873 874 ...892 893 894


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