Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...875 876 877 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Mining Shoes1413FeetLight ArmorEquip
Mining Vest1413ChestLight ArmorEquip
Rudimentary Mission Box14Equip
Rudimentary Small Credit Box14Equip
Synthleather Grips1413HandsMedium ArmorEquip
Synthleather Jacket1413ChestMedium ArmorEquip
Synthleather Kneeboots1413FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Synthleather Leggings1413LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Working Robes1413LegsLight ArmorEquip
Common Medpac128Equip
Unsecured Mission Case12Equip
Unsecured Small Credit Case12Equip
Conductive Flux10Equip
Counterfeit Credits10Equip
Data Encrypter10Equip
Desh Boots109FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Desh Bracers109WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Desh Breastplate109ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Desh Gauntlets109HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Desh Girdle109WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Desh Legguards109LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Enforcement Blaster109Main Hand (Ranged), Offhand (Ranged)Blaster PistolEquip
Fibrous Nylite Solution10Equip
Fine Silks10Equip
First Aid Kit10Equip
Handheld Signal Device10Equip
Herbivore Teeth10Equip
Imperial Military Academy Pin10Equip
Light Repeating Blaster109Main Hand (Ranged)Assault CannonEquip
Nylite Belt109WaistLight ArmorEquip
Nylite Boots109FeetLight ArmorEquip
Nylite Gloves109HandsLight ArmorEquip
Nylite Kilt109LegsLight ArmorEquip
Nylite Vest109ChestLight ArmorEquip
Nylite Wristwraps109WristsLight ArmorEquip
Republic Ambassadorial Pin10Equip
Rylothian Sweetmoss Bouquet10Equip
Single-Pulse Implant Processor10Equip
Species of the Galaxy Guidebook10Equip
Sport Snipe109Main Hand (Ranged)Sniper RifleEquip
Target Practice Droid10Equip
Targeting Rifle109Main Hand (Ranged)Blaster RifleEquip
Unsecured Mission Box10Equip
Unsecured Small Credit Box10Equip
Wraidskin Belt109WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Wraidskin Boots109FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Wraidskin Chestguard109ChestMedium ArmorEquip
Wraidskin Greaves109LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Wraidskin Handgear109HandsMedium ArmorEquip
1 2 3 ...446 447 448 ...875 876 877 ...892 893 894


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